
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Thieves Essential Oil

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and this information should not be used for diagnosis or in place of professional medical care or advice.

I have been so busy with homeschooling, birthdays and preparing for oil classes that I haven't done a good job of keeping up with my blog! Always too many things to accomplish!

Today I want to talk about another one of my favorite oils - Thieves - although I probably would have to say many oils are my favorites!

Thieves is my go-to oil for cold and flu, sore throats, oral issues, immune boosting, infection...the list could go on. On the rare occasion that someone is sick in our house, I diffuse Thieves like crazy to keep everyone else from getting sick - it works so well! My oldest son had a stomach bug in January (that only lasted about 15 hours...rather than days...which I attribute to his already strong immune system, ingestion of Juice Plus and consistent use of oils :-) ). I diffused Thieves constantly, rubbed it on the whole family and NO ONE else got sick! This has happened more than once. Probably the thing that has amazed me the most is the effectiveness of Thieves in kicking sore throats. From our experience, a couple drops of Thieves in the mouth or a gargle of Thieves and water knocks out a sore throat almost immediately. It is a spicy oil so you may want to add your drops to a small amount of water. I am so used to Thieves now that I take it straight. A friend of mine mentioned that she has had issues with her gums and periodontal pockets in the past and started using Thieves to brush her teeth with and that her dental health greatly improved. Since I have frequent canker sores (due to toothpaste perhaps...haven't figured that one out for sure), somewhat receded gums and very sensitive teeth, I have started brushing with Thieves as well and I love it! It makes my teeth feel so clean and I am waiting to see the benefits when I visit the dentist for my next cleaning! I like to add a drop of peppermint oil to my toothbrush as well so I get a bit more of a typical minty flavor after brushing. This blend is not for the light-hearted though! It is SPICY!!

I could go on and on about Thieves and it's beneficial properties!

Interested in ordering here.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and cannot diagnose, cure or treat any illness or malady.

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