is abundantly clear following the discussion of the previously posted alternative
therapies, further research is necessary before clear statements can be made
regarding the efficacy of such treatments. Though research studies in the area
of alternative treatments in ADHD cases are plentiful, many are riddled with
inconsistencies, short trial periods, small subject sizes or non-standardized
assessment tools. In addition, possible harmful or negative side effect
profiles of each alternative treatment were not explored extensively in this
paper. These factors call into question
many of the positive benefits initially observed and beg for clearer and more
convincing evidence before they can be called valid and efficacious treatment
alternatives. Further, though these therapies may provide slightly better
options for children with ADHD when compared to psychiatric medications, most
fulfill the same function of symptom management rather than addressing the root
cause of the cognitive and behavioral components at hand. Discussion of such
core factors, however, goes beyond the scope of this paper. The bottom line in
the investigation of alternative treatments in regard to the ADHD diagnosis is
the simple fact that multiple therapies have been tested, some positive
outcomes have been observed and there is extensive research still needed before
clear conclusions can be drawn in this field.
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Providing relevant, evidence-based wellness information, health consulting and counseling, thus inspiring others to choose a healthy lifestyle
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Part V - Alternative Treatments and ADHD - Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic Remedies
considering homeopathic treatments for any disorder or malady, a plethora of
articles can be found to support or dispute their effect. However, yet again,
it is important to look closely at the proposed treatment modalities to
determine efficacy. A review of available studies was conducted in regard to
the use of homeopathy in subjects with the ADHD diagnosis.Q Results
showed that the use of homeopathy did not provide significant treatment
outcomes and authors concluded that there is little evidence to support the use
of homeopathy in people with the ADHD diagnosis.Q A 2005 randomized,
double-blind, placebo controlled crossover trial studied the benefits of
homeopathic medication in 83 children diagnosed with ADHD over the course of 12
weeks.R Results indicated efficacy in those treated with homeopathic
medication when compared with the control group, specifically in terms of
behavioral and cognitive functioning.R Similarly, a group of 115
children with the ADHD diagnosis were treated with a traditional medicine
approach (methylphenidate) or a homeopathic medicine approach and evaluated in
terms of ADHD symptoms.S Though homeopathic remedies were shown to
have a positive effect in 75% of the subjects, limitations were also noted.S
The authors stated that though homeopathic medication showed a positive effect
on symptoms, response times were oftentimes lengthy, thus posing a potential
downfall in situations in which amelioration of symptoms is deemed urgent.S
Further, authors reported that, “The choice of the correct medication is
dependent on the individuality of the symptoms, if a patient only has the
‘standard symptoms’ of ADHD and nothing peculiar, the homeopathic physician may
have to make ‘therapeutic trials’ to find the correct medicine.”S
Authors also stated that homeopathic medication may have additional benefits
for treatment such as a low side effect profile, ease of administration, and no
abuse potential, leading to the conclusion that homeopathic medications may
have unique potential for benefit.S As has been mentioned before,
this treatment option may have potential in some cases but would require unique
and detailed investigation of the particular situation prior to recommendation.
Q. Heirs M, Dean ME. Homeopathy for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder or hyperkinetic disorder. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2007; 4: 1-3.
R. Frei H, Everts R, Von Ammon K, et al. Homeopathic treatment of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled crossover trial. European Journal of Pediatrics. 2005; 164: 758-767.
S. Frei H, Thurneysen A. Treatment for hyperactive children: Homeopathy and methylphenidate compared in a family setting. British Homeopathic Journal. 2001; 90: 183-188.
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Part IV - Alternative Treatments and ADHD - Sweeteners
topic of investigation within the ADHD world, has been the connection between
sugar and behavior. Some parents and researchers have claimed that sugar is one
of the key factors in the onset, severity and continuation of symptoms with
children diagnosed with ADHD. However, yet again, a glimpse of the evidence is
important before assuming this claim as true. A 1994 double-blind controlled
trial of 48 children was conducted to investigate the role of sugar in
behaviorally and cognitively challenged children (per parent report).M
Twenty-five of the children were considered the control group, with no reported
sensitivities to sugar and 23 of the children were classified as having sugar
sensitivities.M All of the children underwent three consecutive
three-week trials of differing sweetener combinations, the first consisting of
sucrose only with no artificial sweeteners, the second consisting of low
sucrose levels and mostly aspartame sweeteners, and the third consisting of
saccharin (placebo).M The researchers controlled for variables such
as preservatives, artificial dyes, and additives which are oftentimes blamed
for additional behavioral and cognitive complications.M Outcomes of
the study showed no difference among groups.M In addition to the
fact that no effect was observed, the researchers further stated that even when
intake of the listed sweeteners exceeded normal dietary levels, the effect
remained unsubstantial.M Similarly, in a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled crossover study, researchers examined the effects of
heightened doses of aspartame on the behavior and cognition of children labeled
with the ADD diagnosis.N Children were given aspartame or placebo
for alternate 2-week periods to determine effect.N Outcomes of this
study showed no clinically significant differences between the placebo and
aspartame administrations in regard to symptoms, behavior or cognition.N Though
not as reliable as controlled research studies, anecdotal evidence has
suggested that there is a relationship between sugar intake and hyperactive
behaviors.O A 1994 research study looking at the connection between
sugar intake and hyperactive behavior in children showed that sweeteners do not
affect behavior.O This particular study examined the differences between
diets high in sucrose, aspartame, and saccharin and found that even when doses
exceeded normal intake levels, no differences were observed in hyperactivity.O
Similarly, a 1991 study looked at the difference between a
sugar-sweetened diet compared to a saccharin/aspartame-sweetened diet
(placebo).P Subjects in the study group were 17 children diagnosed
with ADHD and were compared to the control group of 9 children without the ADHD
diagnosis.P Results showed no difference in levels of aggression
between the study and control groups.P Despite this finding,
children with the ADHD diagnosis did show increased inattention following sugar
ingestion when compared to the control group.P However, the
researchers stated in conclusion, “This result is of questionable clinical
significance inasmuch as aggressive behavior was unchanged. The finding may be
due to the combination of the sugar challenge with a high-carbohydrate
breakfast. These findings should be replicated and any possible clinical
significance should be documented before any dietary recommendations can be
made.”P Again, though the elimination of sugar may have a positive
effect on some ADHD-diagnosed children, the apparent evidence is not
M. Wolraich ML, Lindgren SD, Stumbo
PJ, et al. Effects of diets high in sucrose or aspartame on the behavior and
cognitive performance of children. The New England Journal of Medicine. 1994;
330: 301-306.
N. Shaywitz BA, Sullivan CM,
Anderson GM, et al. Aspartame, behavior, and cognitive function in children
with attention deficit disorder. Pediatrics. 1994; 93:70-75.
O. Kanarek RB. Does sucrose or
aspartame cause hyperactivity in children? Nutrition Reviews. 1994;
52: 173-175.
P. Wender EH, Solanto MV. Effects
of sugar on aggressive and inattentive behavior in children with attention
deficit disorder with hyperactivity and normal children. Pediatrics. 1991;
88: 960-966.
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Part III - Alternative Treatments and ADHD - Multivitamins
it has been suggested that vitamin and nutrient deficiencies can lead to
significant cognitive impairment and declined performance on intelligence
tests, the assumption that such supplementation may subsequently aid children
diagnosed with ADHD has not been proven with extensive and convincing research
data.H Adequate research studies with large sample sizes, sufficient
trial times and randomized controls appears lacking in the investigation of the
role of multivitamins in relation to ADHD.
Some studies have shown preliminary evidence of benefit for adults
taking multivitamin supplements to treat ADHD symptoms, yet caution to accept
efficacy is warranted due limitations such as small sample size and short-term
trials.I During an 8-week
trial, 14 adults diagnosed with ADHD were observed while taking a 36-ingredient
micronutrient formula.J Though results showed improvement of
symptoms, the effects are questionable at best due to the small sample size,
short trial length and method of evaluation (self, clinician and observer
reports).J In addition, researchers admitted that due to the
limitations of this study design, the outcome
“does not in itself prove efficacy”.J Research studies
involving children have been performed with some level of similarity, yet also
with notable limitations. A fully blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
looked at 93 children with the ADHD diagnosis and tested the efficacy of
multivitamin supplementation on symptoms.K Results indicated that
subjects receiving vitamin and mineral supplementation improved in overall
function, including reduced impairment and improved attention but did not show
reduced levels of hyperactive and impulsive symptoms when compared with the
control group.K The researchers subsequently commented that,
“Although direct benefit for core ADHD symptoms was modest, with mixed findings
across raters, the low rate of adverse effects and the benefits reported across
multiple areas of functioning indicate micronutrients may be a favourable
option for some children, particularly those with both ADHD and emotional
dysregulation.”K Therefore, though these findings point to potential
benefit, they do not provide overwhelming evidence for efficacy at this time. In
addition, though some benefit was found, it was mild and did not address all
levels of the symptom profile, namely the hyperactive and impulsive actions
that frequently are the most challenging to deal with in such cases. Some
research studies have performed trials with ADHD-diagnosed children to
determine if deficiencies in vitamin and hormone levels exist. By investigating
deficiencies, such studies have attempted to suggest the importance of
supplementation in these populations. In a 2014 study of 77 kids, researchers
looked at levels of ferratin, vitamin D, vitamin B12, adrenal and gonadal
steroid levels, celiac antibodies, and thyroid hormones and antibodies.L Subjects
were divided into three groups: children with the ADHD diagnosis, children with
the Asperger’s diagnosis, and children with no diagnosis (control group).L
Deficiencies were found in both diagnosed categories when compared with
the control group, thus leading the researchers to conclude that vitamin D and
B12 supplements would benefit these populations.L Despite the
observed levels of deficiency, however, this study did not investigate the
outcome of ADHD-diagnosed children taking these vitamins, thus bringing into
question the validity of the claim of likely efficacy.
H. Benton D. Symposium on nutrition
and cognitive efficiency. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 1992; 51:
I. Rucklidge JJ, Framptom CM,
Gorman B, Boggis A. Vitamin-mineral treatment of attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder in adults: double-blind randomised placebo-controlled
trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 2014; 204: 306-315.
J. Rucklidge JJ, Taylor M,
Whitehead K. Effect of micronutrients on behavior and mood in adults with ADHD:
evidence from an 8-week open label trial with natural extension. Journal of
Attention Disorders. 2011; 15:79-91.
K. Rucklidge JJ, Eggleston MJ,
Johnstone JM, Darling K, Frampton CM. Vitamin-mineral treatment improves
aggression and emotional regulation in children with ADHD: a fully blinded,
randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and
Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. Published Online: October 2, 2017 (doi:
L. Bala KA, Dogan M, Mutluer T,
Aslan O, Dogan SZ. Hormone disorder and vitamin deficiency in attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Journal of
Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2016; 29: 1077-1082.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Part II - Alternative Treatments and ADHD - Magnesium
supplement frequently recommended as an alternative or adjunctive treatment for
ADHD is magnesium. An initial look at the research gives reason to believe that
magnesium supplementation may offer some treatment benefit. In a 1997 research
study on the effectiveness of magnesium supplementation in hyperactive
children, 50 subjects ages 7-12 were observed over the course of 6 months.E
At the conclusion of the 6 month trial period, the test group showed increased
levels of magnesium as well as decreased incidence of hyperactivity when
compared to the control group.E The small sample size may pose a
limitation to the outcome of this study. With similar findings, a longitudinal,
observational study was conducted in Germany with 810 children ages 5-12 over
the course of 3 months.F Results showed that when subjects were
given Esprico (a food supplement combining omega 3, omega 6, zinc
and magnesium), they experienced substantial reductions in ADHD symptoms,
emotional and behavioral problems and sleep challenges.F Once again,
significant limitations to this study exist. A drop-out rate of 14% was noted
due to absence of positive effect, lack of compliance or adverse reactions.F
Further, 7.3% of the subjects were taking other medications or involved in alternate
treatment as well, such as medications for obstructive pulmonary disease,
thyroid therapeutics, psycho stimulants, unspecified amphetamines,
non-stimulant medication and homeopathic remedies.F In addition, the
study did not provide a control group, posing considerable limitation to the
reliability of the research outcomes.F Perhaps most significant of
the limitations of this study is the fact that it was funded by a grant from
Engelhard Arneimittel, a German Pharmaceutical company, likely leading to
investigator bias. A review of the literature regarding magnesium
supplementation in children with the ADHD diagnosis can shed light on the
problematic nature of stating that magnesium is an effective treatment for this
disorder. Esparham et al. reviewed multiple articles in the efficacy of
magnesium supplementation in ADHD-diagnosed children.G Though a
summary of the study outcomes showed benefit with this therapy, a marked number
of limitations were present across the studies.G Systematic review
revealed that the majority of the studies had methodological limitations such
as lack of double-blind randomized controlled study design and lack of
measurement standardization in regard to the levels of magnesium.G The
general outcome of these studies may, at best, offer reason to investigate this
treatment modality in future research.
D. Moghaddam MF, Shamekhi M, Rakshani T. Effectiveness of
methylphenidate and PUFA for the treatment of patients with ADHD: a
double-blinded randomized clinical trial. Electronic Physician. 2017; 9:
4412-4418. Available from: Accessed December 15,
E. Starobrat-Hermelin B, Kozielec T. The effects of
magnesium physiological supplementation on hyperactivity in children with
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Positive response to magnesium
oral loading test. Magnesium Research. 1997; 10: 149-156.
F. Huss M, Volp A, Strauss-Grabo M. Supplementation of
polyunsaturated fatty acids, magnesium and zinc in children seeking medical
advice for attention-deficit/hyperactivity problems – an observational cohort
study. Lipids in Health and Disease. 2010; 9: 105-117.
G. Esparham A, Evans RG, Wagner LE, Drisko JA. Pediatric
integrative medicine approaches to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD). Children. 2014; 1: 186-207.
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Part 1 - Alternative Treatments and ADHD - Omega 3/Fish Oil
Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Fish Oil
disagreement remains in the discussion regarding the benefit of including Omega
3 fatty acids or fish oil in the diets of those suffering from ADHD, yet the majority
of evidence seems to support the conclusion that this supplement is
questionable at best. A 2016 study
examined the effects of a marine oil extract on the levels of hyperactivity,
inattention, cognition, and mood in children.A Researchers discovered
that the ingestion of such supplementation did not result in the improvement of
parental reports in regard to hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity,
though some positive effect was seen in children without the ADHD diagnosis.A Additionally, extensive review articles
can be found on the subject, comparing numerous studies on this topic. In a review of 16 randomized controlled
trials including 1,514 youth with the ADHD diagnosis, overall conclusions displayed
that the use of Omega-3/6 supplementation had promising effects and could be
effectively used as adjunctive therapy to the more traditional approaches.A
However, this review has
significant limitations as the authors were funded by Equazen, a company that
manufactures Omega-3/6 supplements, thus likely bringing significant bias into
the findings.B Another review considered multiple studies
investigating the benefits of Omega-3 supplementation in children labeled with
the ADHD diagnosis and found multiple discrepancies among those examined.C
Lack of placebo groups, small sample sizes, and minimal trial length
contributed to the inconsistencies of the studies and subsequent lack of
reliability.C In a study
investigating the effectiveness of Omega 3 supplementation used in conjunction
with methylphenidate (a drug commonly prescribed for ADHD), researchers
concluded that the Omega 3 addition provided subjects with significantly better
outcomes when compared with controls.D Though this double-blinded
randomized clinical trial shows benefit, there are limitations which require
attention and are acknowledged by the researchers.D The study looked
at a notably small sample size of 40 children within a limited age range of
6-12 years and lasted over a period of only 8 weeks.D These factors
alone bring into question the validity of the results, thus requiring further
investigation before concrete conclusions can be made. Therefore, though some
research points to the potential benefits of Omega 3 supplementation in
children with the ADHD diagnosis, it appears that greater bodies of research
point to the ineffectiveness or at best, minimal effectiveness of this
A. Kean JD, Sarris J, Scholey A, et
al. Reduced inattention and hyperactivity and improved cognition after marine
oil extract (PCSO-524R) supplementation in children and adolescents
with clinical and subclinical symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD): a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Psychopharmacology. 2017;
234: 403-420.
B. Derbyshire E Do omega-3/6 fatty acids have a therapeutic role in children and young people with ADHD. Journal of Lipids. 2017; 2017: 1-9.
B. Derbyshire E Do omega-3/6 fatty acids have a therapeutic role in children and young people with ADHD. Journal of Lipids. 2017; 2017: 1-9.
C. Konigs A, Kiliaan AJ. Critical
appraisal of omega-3 fatty acids in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
treatment. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. 2016; 12:
D. Moghaddam MF, Shamekhi M, Rakshani T. Effectiveness of methylphenidate and PUFA for the treatment of patients with ADHD: a double-blinded randomized clinical trial. Electronic Physician. 2017; 9: 4412-4418. Available from: Accessed December 15, 2017.
D. Moghaddam MF, Shamekhi M, Rakshani T. Effectiveness of methylphenidate and PUFA for the treatment of patients with ADHD: a double-blinded randomized clinical trial. Electronic Physician. 2017; 9: 4412-4418. Available from: Accessed December 15, 2017.
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Healing Properties of Articum Lappa (Burdock Root)?
I recently read a statement on a
popular health blog, stating the benefits of Articum Lappa, also known as
burdock root. As is the case with many natural supplements, claims for the
benefits of Arctium Lappa are extensive. Ranging from a combatant for cancer, a
healer for skin and an antibacterial/antimicrobial agent, to an
anti-inflammatory substance, a natural diuretic and defense against diabetes,
Arctium Lappa is touted as a plant with almost magical properties. From this
list of claimed values, the question becomes one of reliability and evidence
supporting these advantageous assertions. As always, a little digging provides
a clearer understanding of the real story.
In a study aimed at determining
the beneficial properties of several plants, researchers attempted to evaluate
the antimicrobial activity of the combined plant extracts of artichoke,
dandelion and Arctium Lappa. A serial dilution method was employed to assess
the antimicrobial activity of this blend when introduced to bacterial strains
of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella abony. Researchers
concluded that using this trifecta of plant extracts proved to be beneficial
against Escherichia coli and Salmonella abony but did not show antimicrobial
activity when tested with Staphylococcus aureus. Though this study points to
the possible benefit of Arctium Lappa on
health, the study has clear limitations for the claims of Arctium Lappa’s sole
benefit due to the fact that it was not tested apart from artichoke and
In a randomized, double‐blind
placebo‐controlled clinical trial, 3 subjects infected with Helicobacter pylori
(H.pylori) were studied. Nineteen participants ingested a burdock complex (BC)
consisting of burdock (Arctium Lappa), angelica, gromwell and sesame oil and 17
subjects ingested a placebo for a total of eight weeks. Multiple markers were
tested, including anti-inflammatory properties, to determine the efficacious nature
of BC. Subjects were evaluated at
fourth, eighth, and tenths weeks, with endoscopic examination taking place at
the baseline and tenth weeks. Researchers determined that BC significantly
inhibited and alleviated inflammatory markers of H-pylori in subjects during
the course of the study period.
A study of a key constituents
extracted from the seeds of Arctium Lappa, identified as Lappaol F, was
performed in regard to its anticancer effects in humans. During the course of
the study, researchers investigated Lappaol F and its effect on colon, breast,
lung, cervix, and prostate cancers as well as melanoma, osteosarcoma, and
leukemia. Results demonstrated that
Lappaol F suppressed cancer cell growth in human cancer cell lines in a variety
of tissue types and displayed a time- and dose-dependent relationship. Researchers stated that Lappaol F offers a
novel anticancer constituent, and has the capacity to mediate growth
suppression by initiating cell-cycle arrest as well as trigger cell death in
some tumor cell lines.
A number of limitations exist in
regard to the studies cited. Across studies, the method of plant compound
extraction greatly varied, ranging from extraction from seeds to extraction
from leaves and stems, suggesting possible differences in quality or potency of
the constituents. Some studies used a combination of plants rather than looking
solely at the medicinal properties of Arctium Lappa, pulling into question
which component was of greatest consequence and whether the effect was due to
the pooled benefits of all the components or based solely on one plant. Further, differing methods of administration
were performed, such as ingestion of tea versus consumption via liquid essence
form. Another key difference between studies was the method of investigation,
ranging from in vitro studies to those involving human participants. In
addition, the studies involving human subjects were limited in size and took
place over short periods of time. Another limitation is presented in the fact
that some studies focused on the benefits of Arctium Lappa as a whole and
others used isolated constituents of the plant to test and determine efficacy.
All of these factors point to the importance of further investigation into the
effectiveness of specific and consistent variables. In other words, examining
studies that focus on similar constituents, extraction protocol, testing
methods, administration, and observation might provide a better picture of
efficacy than studying the varied approaches listed above. However, the
purposes of this paper were to present a foundation of possible efficacy for
Arctium Lappa, thus presenting the need for further and more detailed research
It appears evident that benefit
exists in the use of Arctium Lappa for its healing properties, including its
anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects.
Further, varied methods of extraction, administration and components used point
to the efficacious potential for this acclaimed medicinal plant. Clearly, as
mentioned above, consistency in extraction, test measures and administration
should be employed in future research studies to determine specific efficacy
but the initial display of benefits is evident following a brief review of the
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